IR Global Asia Pacific Virtual Catch-up Session

Marshall SitumorangFounder and Partner, Nusantara Legal Partnership

a catch-up session with IR Global Asia Pacific Members on 12 June 2020

We are pleased to share that Nusantara Legal Partnership was joining a virtual catch-up session as hosted by Simon Tupman with IR Global Asia Pacific members on Friday, 12 June 2020.

It was indeed fruitful to hearing diverse insights from lawyers and professionals across the Asia Pacific regarding how is the business continuity in each participating country amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Let us wish that the global situation will get better hence we can have a direct catch-up meeting in the very near future.

Thank you and see you again on another catch-up session!

Photo from left to right: Marshall Situmorang, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Ross Koffel, Julia Koffel, Thomas Paoletti, Judy Tse, Valeriano (VAL) Rosario, Robert Schuler, Rajani Raj Acharya, and Riccardo Raso