Why Become A Rising Star? An Interview with Della M. Hill

Della M. HillAssociate, MacDonald Weiss PLLC


IR Global interviewed Della Hill of MacDonald Weiss PLLC on becoming a Rising Star and how she has utilised it to enhance her professional career.

“Being a rising star has been enormously valuable for my professional development”

I have learned so much about networking and building connections through the IR Global Rising Stars program. Of course, there is value in “learning by doing,” and I have learned a great deal simply by attending IR Global events and meeting other members. However, I believe the Rising Stars program provides an opportunity for faster and more focused professional development by adding structure and support to this “learning by doing.” For example, in the Rising Star session with Una McSorley at the 2019 IR Global conference in Amsterdam, I was given concrete tools, advice, and helpful guidelines that I was able to immediately put into use throughout the rest of the conference.

“The Rising Stars program provides an opportunity for faster and more focused professional development”

My time with IR Global has provided me with the opportunity to become involved in my firm’s cross border practice on a more significant level. Throughout my legal career, I have worked primarily on cross border matters because my firm, MacDonald Weiss, has a strong focus on international clients with US activity. As a Rising Star, I am able to expand my firm’s reach within the global network by meeting and introducing IR Global members to the partners of my firm, if they have not already met. Many of these introductions have led to discussions about potential collaborations and, in some cases, to referrals. It has been a valuable and rewarding experience to be involved in my firm’s cross border work from the very first point of contact with the referral source.

“I have been able to expand my personal network and to build and strengthen valuable connections and friendships.”

I have been able to expand my personal network and build and strengthen valuable connections and friendships. It is so reassuring to know that I have a network of IR Global members I can turn to for assistance with a client or other matters that require outside expertise and advice. For example, I recently contributed to a global data privacy project as a member of the American Bar Association. Part of this project involved preparing summaries of key derogations to the General Data Protection Regulation for each individual EU member state, which proved to be a daunting task. I reached out to a number of IR Global members within the relevant EU member states, and I was delighted and grateful to receive their input and contributions.

“My time with IR Global has provided me with the opportunity to become involved in my firm’s cross border practice on a more significant level.”

“Take advantage of the personal and professional development opportunities available through IR Global and especially through the Rising Star program.”


What advice would you give to other Rising Stars entering IR global?

Take advantage of the personal and professional development opportunities available through IR Global and especially through the Rising Stars program. Get to know as many members as you can, because there are so many lovely people in this network. Get to know the IR Global team as well. They are a knowledgeable, professional, helpful, and great company!


What are your thoughts on attending IR Events as a Rising Star?

I have attended several IR Global conferences with the two partners of my firm, Robert MacDonald and Noreen Weiss. Attending these conferences has been one of the most enjoyable parts of my professional career and has significantly changed my view of networking and conferences in general.

I was first introduced to IR Global when I accom­panied Rob MacDonald to the Barcelona confer­ence in 2017. As I was not a member, I expected that I would just be an observer (perhaps seated in an extra chair dragged over and placed next to Rob’s during various speaker sessions). Only after arriving in Barcelona did I realize that I had been registered as a full participant, and I was filled with dread to learn that much of the event was dedicated to networking – something that had always greatly intimidated me.

“My intimidation faded as I found myself truly enjoying meeting and chatting with members from all over the world.”

It quickly became clear to me that IR Global members appreciate and value personal connections and collaboration. In this environment, created by the IR Global team, my intimidation faded as I found myself truly enjoying meeting and chatting with members from all over the world. Between the great location, great people, great sessions, great speakers, and great social events, I ended up having a fantastic time, and I have looked forward to and enjoyed every event I have attended since. With the launch of the Rising Star program, my enthusiasm for IR Global events has only increased.

“I look forward to getting to know the other Rising Star members at future events.”


Finally, what are your plans around your IR Global Rising Stars Membership?

I look forward to getting to know the other Rising Star members at future events. I would also really like to get more involved in the Rising Star program in general, however, I can.

I also want to start reaching out to the IR Global team for assistance with various marketing and promotion matters.



Do you have a Rising Star in your firm? Can IR Global help you support them?

Following numerous conversations with members over the years, it became clear many firms are experiencing the same challenges with regard to retaining their best staff. There are a number of reasons for this, however, one of the key factors is the ability to compete with larger firms in regards to development opportunities, international travel and providing cross border experience. To help combat this, the Rising Stars program was created in 2019 to help IR member firms to engage key individuals and get them involved within the IR network.

This can be an invaluable resource for your team. Nominate a team member or discuss further please contact [email protected] 

*Eligible to non-stakeholders, typically at a junior management/ associate level

Participation costs £400.00 per individual, per year.