Patty Brickett spoke at the Humentum, 2018 Annual Conference: “ Host Country Taxes & Your Expats – Updates and Strategy”

Patty BrickettPartner, Brickett Consulting

Information regarding Humentum:

You may learn more about Humentum at:

Humentum is a large international organization with a mission of “inspiring and achieving operational excellence for organizations focused on positive societal impact.” In other words, it is an organization that provides learning, expertise and advocacy for the global development community, including non-profit organizations. Humentum is the name of the “new” organization resulting from the 2017 merger of three organizations – including InsideNGO, a US organization that I regularly spoke for.

From Humentum’s website:

Our organizational members—330 strong— and our clients represent the dynamic mix of all those leading development work today: non-governmental organizations (NGOs), for-profit companies with an expertise in international development, sector experts with deep roots in global issues, nonprofit policy organizations, and academic institutions advancing sustainable development.

Our engaged community includes individuals at all levels within these organizations—one organizational membership opens the door to all employees’ participation. 

We also partner with more than 50 industry service providers who are recommended by our members and deeply committed to the NGO community.