Uruguay – A country to invest, work and live

Carlos PicosPartner, Carlos Picos Consultora

Macroeconomic strength, attractive regimes for investors, legal security and modern infrastructure are some of the reasons why Uruguay is rated as an excellent destination for investments.

Main reasons for choosing Uruguay as an investment destination:

  • Political, legal and social stability.
  • Macroeconomic soundness.
  • Favorable business climate and tax incentives for the investor.
  • Consolidated democratic system, maintaining the commitment to respect the rules of the game.
  • The foreign investor enjoys the same incentives as the local investor, with no discrimination from the tax point of view or restrictions for the transfer of profits abroad.
  • The exchange market is free, without limitations for the purchase or sale of foreign currency, and investments can be made in any currency.
  • The tax system is also neutral with respect to foreign investment and it is not necessary to have a prior registration or authorization to make an investment, with the exception of environmental authorization. Likewise, current legislation expressly contemplates the existence of banking and tax secrecy.
  • Modern logistics.
  • Leader in ICT development in Latin America.
  • Competitive national talent.
  • Excellent quality of life.

At Carlos Picos Consultora, we provide local and foreign investors with the assistance they need to establish themselves in Uruguay and develop a prosperous business, taking care of the tax, legal and accounting areas so that their business is consolidated and successful.

Contributing Advisors

Marcelo Paredes FerrariAccountant, Carlos Picos Consultora

Juan Pablo PastoriniAccountant, Carlos Picos Consultora