Two weeks to prepare for cyber attack – England

Chris DowningDirector, Inspire Professional Services Ltd

Fake HMRC emails and internet security  

You may have seen on the news over the last day or so that there are threats of a massive cyber-attack in the UK. These include HMRC emails being used to extract funds from businesses. 

As a reminder, HMRC will never email you asking for bank details. Of you have any doubts about any emails received from HMRC please contact us before acting on them. 

Publicity around the threat notes “The malware typically infects a computer via attachments or links in emails. If a user clicks on one of them, the malware silently monitors activity and tries to capture any private information, such as banking details.”  A company in the UK has already been targeted.  The email they received was supposedly from HMRC, an employee followed the link and as instructed keyed in bank information and passwords. The result was they lost £100,000 in 3 minutes! 
