Trump says he can•t release tax return~ because of audits

Donald Trump says he wants to release his tax returns but can’t because he is being audited by the IRS.

“I’m being audited now for two or three years, so I can’t do It [release returns] until the audit Is finished, obviously. And I think people would understand that,” Trump said during CNN’s Republican debate.
lv1 audt by itself would not prevent Trump from releasing his tax returns. It is up to an indMdual
v.tlether to disclose his or her tax return– to the public, to a lender or to anyone else who wants to

Trump suggested that releasing his returns now would compromise his negotiating position with the
IRS. “You’re in the midst of negotiating and 1alking to the IRS … Your lawyers wouk:t never alow you
to do that,” Trump told CNN after the debate.


The following article quotes Dennis Brager. To view in full please use the link below:
