Top 5 Corporate Law Issues of 2019

What are the corporate law topics that people most searched for in 2019? We’ve analysed the most popular searches and articles on our website since January 2019 and have identified the 5 topics that appear to be on top of everyone’s minds:

Ordinary Shares and Preference Shares

This article provides useful comparisons between ordinary and preference shares, the two types of shares commonly issued by companies.  Different rights can be attached to different classes and types of shares.  To learn more:

Ordinary Shares and Preference Shares: How do they affect shareholders rights

Employee Share Options Schemes (ESOS)

One of the tools used by start-ups to recruit and retain key employees is ESOS.  We published a two-part series which touched on the basic mechanics, framework and tax aspects of just how ESOS works.  Read more at:

Employee Share Options in Start-ups Part 1: Basics and Regulatory Framework

Employee Share Options in Start-ups Part-2: Tax Basics

E-Signing/Digital Signatures

In as much as e-signatures are convenient and fast, there are still many aspects of it that we should be aware of, such as the legal validity of it on certain documents.  Did you know there is a difference between e-signatures and digital signatures?  Our article might provide you with a better understanding:

E-signing: What you need to know

Franchising and Licensing

Prospective business owners should take care to understand the differences between franchising and licensing before deciding on which business model best suits them.  We shed some light on these differences in just such an article:

Franchising Vs Licensing: What’s the Difference?

Limitation Clauses

You would likely have come across limitation (or sometimes also known as exclusion) clauses whilst browsing through your contract documents.  Did you know the enforceability of such clauses depends very much on the fairness of the clauses?  Do read more at:

What you need to know about Limitation Clauses

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