The times have changed: an analysis of our era

Luis Alberto Buss Wulff JuniorCEO and Founder, Stürmer & Wulff Advogados

Through the past few years, we have experienced a lot of changes in the way we used to do things.

Stop for a minute and think about it. Can you remember how things worked five, or ten years ago? Calling someone, travelling, buying, listening to music… Our daily activities, that now sound so simple, used to take so much effort.

Everything’s easier today thanks to science and technology’s advance. They had worked together in order to give us as much comfort as possible.

The word ‘comfort’, by the way, defines one of the main motives for the creation of all that we know today. Our search for comfort and practicality led us to invent, recreate and improve the environment where we lived. Another driving force was our inherent curiosity. We are moved by the desire in finding, knowing and learning, and through this, so uncontrollable force we managed ways to build our towers, fly over the clouds and even step on the moon.

Back to our current time’s analysis, we can see that all these reasons are reflected in most of —  maybe all — our contemporary technologies. The services and products offered by the most relevant companies in this field prove us that. If we take corporations like Netflix, Uber and Spotify for example, we will see that the huge revolution they proportioned is based on extremely simple solutions.

Due to their intervention, the experience of watching movies, travelling and listening to music — three ordinary activities — has changed completely. Now we can access an infinite catalogue of cinematographic productions without abdicating the comfort of our homes. We can listen to all kinds of music, everywhere, with the highest quality and practicality. We can walk through long and short distances, using a safe, affordable and customized transportation service.

All this makes our lives easier, giving us more time and fewer worries. And that should really be the purpose of every company in our days — not only those ones who deal with technology directly.  

If we pay attention we’ll see that the impact of those referred organizations was only impressive because of their ability to see a usual situation in an extraordinary way.

There’s no need to wonder before a car, aeroplane, or a computer, for example. The heart of the matter now is knowing how to improve, in a surprising way, those things that are already real; seeing the obvious through an inside angle. 

Search for opportunities hidden on the most simple tasks of our lives is the most recent formula to achieve success. By solving the tiniest pains and difficulties of our routines we will be able to conquer more autonomy and practicality.

The times have really changed. and it should not be a bad thing. That’s how we can come closer to the new, and, the tendency is that new is always good.