SEMINAR – The Management of Warehouses and Deposits of Goods Abroad: tax, VAT and customs issues and formalities

Lorenzo BacciardiPartner, Bacciardi and Partners

March 7th, 2018 09.15 – 13.15

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF ROMAGNA – headquarters of Forlì

Corso della Repubblica n. 5, Forlì

On March 7th, 2018, Bacciardi and Partners, jointly with the Chamber of Commerce of Romagna, will hold a specialized training seminar on the management of warehouses and deposits of goods abroad.

The seminar is designed to illustrate to the Italian companies, which perform international supplies, how to regulate and correctly manage the tax, VAT and customs issues and formalities related to the use of warehouses and deposits of goods abroad, in order to avoid the risk of having a permanent establishment and / or incurring tax penalties.