Suspension of the procedural deadlines now extended to 15 June 2020

Zihni BilgehanSenior Partner, Ersoy Bilgehan

his article is one of many articles we have published in relation to the legal implications of Covid-19. Please click here for our “Covid-19 Insights” page and other articles.

The Grand National Assembly of Turkey previously enacted the Law No. 7226 (“Law”) suspending all procedural deadlines until 30 April 2020 for the purpose of preventing any loss of rights due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We had shared the details of this regulation with our readers in an earlier publication.

The Law also provided that should the effects of the pandemic continue, the suspension may be extended for once and up to six months by a Presidential Decree to be published in the Official Gazette and that the scope of the suspension may be restricted.

By a Presidential Decree (“Decree”) published in the Official Gazette dated 30 April 2020, the suspension of all the deadlines has now been extended to 15 June 2020 except for those stipulated under the Law No. 4734 on the Public Procurement for the mandatory application to the administrative authorities. The Decree also provides that should the risk of the spread of Covid-19 disappears at an earlier time, the extension will be reassessed.

Our firm will continue to update our clients and friends of the firm of any developments regarding the precautions being implemented with regard to the legal effects of Covid-19 pandemic. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any assistance to you.