SCHNEIDER GROUP to Host 4th International Legal Conference

Alex StolarskyPartner, Attorney-at-Law, Schneider Group

Experts from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Russia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan will present their best practices and cases in the fields of Legal, Compliance, and Tax Management.

Together we will discuss the latest updates and trends in legislation and regulations, which have the most significant impact on your business in the respective countries.

The event will be held in English.

We invite German and international companies, as well as representatives of the state and public sectors to participate in the conference.




09:00 – 13:00


This event is free of charge


Airport Club Frankfurt GmbH

Hugo-Eckener-Ring, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


9:00 – 9:30
Registration, welcome coffee
9:30 – 11:00
Panel discussion
• Compliance
• Labour law
• Protecting foreign investments
• Corporate governance
• Tech transfer & know-how protection
11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 – 13:00
Parallel presentations: Session 1
• Tell me your plans: how the Mandatory Disclosure Rules will change cross-border business; 
• Key amendments in Kazakhstani legislation in 2019; 
• New tax code and Personal Data Protection (GDPR) regulations in Armenia; 
• Key tax issues foreign business is facing in Belarus: proper risk management solutions


 Adrian BrannyDiana MovsesyanDina JazylbekovaSergey Odintsov

11:15 – 13:00
Parallel presentations: Session 2
• Perspectives of implementation of anti-BEPS measures in Ukraine and Russia 
• Management liability in Russia 
• Labelling requirements in Russia


 Alex StolarskyArtem BarinovEvgeniya Sinanova

13:00 – 14:00


Please click the link above to register for this event