Schneider Group News, August 2020

Alex StolarskyPartner, Attorney-at-Law, Schneider Group

Welcome to our newsletter with a selection of news and the most important regional updates for Russia & the CIS for August 2020. Hope you will find our news useful for your business!

Need additional information? Get in touch!


SCHNEIDER GROUP and DSIGHT partner to connect Russian tech startups and international companies
To facilitate collaboration between international companies looking for promising technological ideas or qualified teams for implementing ambitious IT projects, DSIGHT and SCHNEIDER GROUP are launching a series of online events, introducing the Russian tech market. Stay tuned for a dedicated event invitation!
For a short glimpse into the Russian venture landscape, join the online presentation of “Venture Russia, H1 2020” report on September 23rd.

SCHNEIDER GROUP launches a Telegram bot for easy creation of company charters
To register a business entity in Russia a comprehensive set of documents, including a company charter, is required. SCHNEIDER GROUP bot helps save resources on charter preparation: answer 7 questions to get the best suited for your company charter template. Try it now

Ulf Schneider speaks about current situation in Belarus in an interview for Wirtschaftswoche
Belarus is ideally situated as a bridge between the EU and Russia. And still many German businesses do not even know where the country is located. What is behind today’s protests, what could be the further developments and how they can affect international businesses in Belarus explains Ulf Schneider in an interview for the German Wirtschaftswoche.


Current situation in Belarus and US-China trade war and its consequences for Russia: new highlights of the 5. Manufacturers Forum
Join the discussion about the current Belarus crises, its threats & opportunities for global businesses working in the country and find out what international mangers should know from Natalia Shulzhenko, Director, SCHNEIDER GROUP Belarus.
Become a Guest, Speaker or event Partner at the 5th Manufacturers Forum.


RUSSIA | Changes in the rules of statistical customs declaration
New rules should maintain mutual trade data and statistics between the EAEU countries. The changes include the prolongation of report submission deadlines up to 10 days, cancellation of paper-form reports and report provision by customs representatives and more. Get the details here.
Request support in the preparation of statistical forms in accordance with the new rules, as well as in the analysis of transactions in order to determine the obligation to provide reporting.

RUSSIA | Liability for non-repatriation of foreign currency revenue significantly reduced
On July 20, 2020, amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation significantly reduced the liability for non-repatriation of foreign currency revenue.
Get in touch with SCHNEIDER GROUP tax experts for an analysis of you existing contracts: to identify tax risks and risks of violation of currency legislation, as well as preparation of legally compliant contract schemes. Read more

RUSSIA | Simplified procedure for obtaining the tax resident status for individuals in 2020
Starting July 31, 2020, individuals are allowed to remain tax residents of the Russian Federation even if they stayed in the Russian Federation for less than 183 days during 2020. For any questions about personal income taxes or to determinate your status as a tax resident, you can learn more and consult SCHNEIDER GROUP tax experts.

RUSSIA | Updated rules of procedure in Arbitration Courts
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation issued a new explanation of the rules for court proceedings in the appellate and cassation instances in arbitration courts that deal with disputes related to business activities. Learn more about the updated procedures or request support with civil, corporate, labour, tax or administrative disputes according to the new rules.

RUSSIA | Key takeaways from the webinar “Electronic document exchange”
Get the answers to the most popular questions on electronic document exchange in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

BELARUS | SCHNEIDER GROUP’S appeal regarding the current situation in Belarus 
Read SCHNEIDER GROUP’s open letter calling for an end to the violence and an open dialogue between the government and people, as well as our hopes for the future.

UKRAINE | Key takeaways from the webinar “Online courts: a new session format”
On June 30, 2020, SCHNEIDER GROUP experts discussed online court sessions, the rules of online litigation in Ukraine and Kazakhstan in connection with the pandemic, and the main problems with the online format for court sessions. Get the answers to the most popular questions asked by the webinar participants here.

UZBEKISTAN | Transition to IFRS reporting
Starting January 1, 2021, business entities in Uzbekistan are to organize IFRS reporting and to ensure the availability of qualified personnel for a smooth transition to new standards.
SCHNEIDER GROUP Uzbekistan offers both reporting preparation services, as well education courses for in-house personnel to equip them with the required knowledge for correct accounting and reporting. Request more information on IFRS education for accountants.

UZBEKISTAN | A new direction for German business
Ulf Schneider, Founder and President of SCHNEIDER GROUP, and Nodir Ayupov, Head of SCHNEIDER GROUP Tashkent, participated in an online conference with Uzbek government representatives and German entrepreneurs. Read more about the tax and foreign exchange reforms, opportunities for European business and investment prospects in Uzbekistan here.