ScheerSanders Advocaten joins IR as the exclusive Family Law Member in the Netherlands.

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Augusta H. van Haga of ScheerSanders Advocaten. Augusta has joined IR as our exclusive Family Law Member in the Netherlands.

Augusta is a specialized family-lawyer for over 20 years.

In 2002 she finished the specialization course of the Dutch Association of Family Lawyers & Divorce Mediators (vFAS).
In January, 2012 Augusta became a certified divorce mediator.
In January 2014, Augusta became a specialist in the field of inheritance law, passing her oral exam of the first specialization course Inheritancelaw of vFAS.

She handles family related legal issues such as disputes concerning parental responsibility / custody, access-rights, relocation of children, divorce and separation, including financial issues (division of property, alimony, childsupport). Of course she has her inheritance practice and is eager to expand it.

ScheerSanders Advocaten is a reliable law firm with a history dating back to the 1950s. Through the years ScheerSanders have proved to be a competent and reliable guide showing you the way through the maze of legislation and regulations.

Apart from private clients and small and medium-sized companies, ScheerSanders have institutions in the realms of housing construction, pharmacy and financial service amongst its clients. Public health professionals like doctors, pharmacists and dentists have taken a special place in our database of clients for years.

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Augusta directly or with the International Referral head office for an introduction.

[email protected]

[email protected]
