Sandra Jardim Fernandes, DCS – Sociedade de Advogados RL has been recommended by several clients for her diligence, professionalism and expertise.

Sandra Jardim FernandesHead of Immigration Dept, Valadas Coriel & Associados

Sandra Jardim Fernandes, our exclusive Civil Law member in Portugal, has been recommended by several clients for her diligence, professionalism and expertise.


“We were impressed by the swift and professional correspondence received from Sandra Jardim Fernandes. Having appointed her also our legal representative for our property purchase, we have been completely happy with every aspect of her work.” – Carl M Morris


At our first meeting we were impressed with Sandra’s manner: professional and knowledgeable but also calm and friendly. We felt we could completely trust her judgement and advice and were confident to leave the purchase arrangements with her.” – Roger and Barbara Morcom


“While I could continue to praise Ms. Fernandes for her legal, political and business expertise and connections both on the Island of Madeira and in Europe (all of which proved valuable), most important to me is and was Ms. Fernandes’ qualities as a person – a friendly and enjoyable person who possesses uncompromising integrity whom you would always want on your team.

With this, I would strongly recommend Ms. Fernandes and her law firm for engagement with my best clients and closest friends. That same recommendation would apply to any local, national or international business transaction clients that seek legal assistance with real estate and/or commercial law transactions.” – David M. Paltzik


If you would like to speak with Sandra about how she can assist you email: [email protected]


To read the recommendations in full including one from the Secretary General of the European Judicial Network, please use the link below:
