Resolution 135/2020 of the Ministry of Employment – Province of Buenos Aires
Resolution 135 MTGP 2020 dated 5 April 2020 establishes that employers must prepare a Health and Hygiene Protocol due to Covid-19 pandemic which shall be in line with the provisions of Decrees No. 260/2020, 297/2020 and 325/2020 issued by the National Executive Power; Decree No. 132/2020 issued by the Province of Buenos Aires Executive Power; Resolutions No. 568/2020 and 627/2020 of the Ministry of Health; and Recommendations “SARS – Cov-2 Recommendations and preventive measures at the workplace” – Appendix II – approved by Resolution No. 29/2020 of the Superintendence of Employment Risk, and the specific rules of each activity in particular and those regulations issued as a consequence of the health emergency declared in the Province of Buenos Aires and among all the Argentine territory-
The Health and Hygiene Protocol at Workplace shall include different rules aimed to the protection of the workers in their workplaces according to the tasks and activities developed in each business.
Employers shall prepare this Protocol within 2 days as from the issuance of the Resolution and must exhibit the document, displaying at least 1 per premise in a visible spot.
In addition, the Protocol shall be communicated to the Committee of Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work where applicable or to the trade union/s representing the employees working at such premises within 24 hours after being drafted.