Reissuance of Permanent Residence Permit in Panama

Julio A. Quijano B.Partner, Quijano & Associates

The National Migration Service of the Republic of Panama has resolved as per Resolution 17405 of August 29th, 2019, that all foreigners who have remained outside the national territory for a period between two (2) to six (6) years, may request the Rehabilitation of their Permanent Residence Permit; counting a term of thirty (30) business days from the date of entry into the country, for the presentation of their application.


  1. Provide a simple copy of the Resolution which granted the Definitive Permanence, or a copy of his/her Permanent Residence Card.
  2. Copy of passport generals and registration stamp.
  3. Authenticated copy of the card granted by the National Directorate of Cedulation of the Electoral Tribunal.
  4. Sworn affidavit before a Notary Public, stating the reasons why he/she was out of the country during this period.
  5. Application submitted by his/her Legal Representative.

Exceptions: Italian citizens who have obtained their Permanent Residence as per the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Panama and Italy; and those foreigners who have obtained their Temporary Residence through Extraordinary Migration Regularization processes.

Those foreigners who have been outside Panamanian territory for more than six (6) years, must initiate a new immigration process.