Quijano & Associates advises on the issue of bonds by Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica, S.A. (ETESA) up to US$ 300 million.

Julio A. Quijano B.Partner, Quijano & Associates

Quijano & Associates rendered legal advice in the issue of corporate bonds by Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica, S.A. (ETESA) for a total of US$300 million, and the listing thereof in Panama Stock Exchange.

Prival Bank, S.A. acted as structurer of the issuance and is the bonds’ payment, register and transfer agent. Prival Securities, Inc. is the bonds placement agent and broker-dealer.

ETESA is a corporation with 100% state-owned capital, organized under the Republic of Panama’s Law 6 of 1997 and Law 32 of 1927 on corporations.  Its main activities consist of high-tension transmission of electric power from the point of delivery by the generator enterprises until the point of delivery to the distributor enterprises and major clients, including international interconnections.

Oliver Muñoz Esquivel and Carla Rojas Pardini, partners at the law firm Quijano & Associates, acted as legal advisors during the entire process of registration of this issuance and its listing in the Panamanian Stock Exchange.