Global M&A Guide 2015 – Belgian Chapter: Technology M&A Focus

Leading Belgium-based law firm Astrea summarizes the headlines driving deals in the technology space in Belgium As global deal figures show, technology-related M&A is on the up. Steven De Schrijver, M&A and technology partner at Astrea, discusses the current pitfalls and windfalls awaiting investors into Belgium’s technology space.  Astrea is a leading independent Belgian law […]

Steven De SchrijverPartner, Astrea

Mirkwood Evans Vincent joins IR as the exclusive TMT Member in England

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Katherine Evans of Mirkwood Evans Vincent. Katherine has joined IR as our exclusive TMT Member in England. Katherine heads up the firm’s Telecommunicatio​ns and Business Technology​​ Law Group and is the Mirkwood Evans Vincent Senior Partner. They specialise in advising clients in the telecommunications […]

Katherine EvansSenior Partner, Mirkwood Evans Vincent

M&A in the IT sector: Avoiding the pitfalls

In the technology sector, mergers and acquisitions come with specific challenges. For tech companies, their ultimate purpose is to absorb the technology of the target company and to utilize it for the development of its own technology. Therefore the challenge is to overcome inherent hurdles in melding staff and technologies for a successful corporate transaction […]

Steven De SchrijverPartner, Astrea

Introduction to new Law Firm Member in Singapore

International Referral the global network of business lawyers, is delighted to introduce Joyce A. Tan of Joyce A. Tan & Partners. Joyce has joined the Legal network; as our exclusive IT Law member in Singapore. Singapore lawyer with cross-border and domestic corporate and commercial practice. Particular strengths in technology, communications, media and intellectual property-related transactions, […]

Joyce A. TanManaging Director, Joyce A. Tan & Partners LLC

The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Corporate Governance 2014

Corporate governance relates, in principle, to all types of corporate entities. However, most corporate governance laws and regulations apply specifically to listed companies. Therefore, our discussion will be limited to the public limited liability company (“naamloze vennootschap”/“société anonyme”), as this is the main type oflegal entity whose shares are admitted to trading on the Belgian stock exchange (Euronext Brussels). Full […]

Steven De SchrijverPartner, Astrea

Software Piracy: Status And Legal Remedies Under Belgian Law

Effectively protecting the intellectual rights attached to the creation of software is very burdensome. Pirating software has developed into a widespread global activity, most markedly in emerging economies such as China, India or Brazil, where many people cannot afford authentic software. As the official price offered by legitimate sellers is expensive, many people in developing […]

Steven De SchrijverPartner, Astrea