By-Passing Competition Law: Online Platforms

Digital online platforms -which we are familiar to, such as Google, Amazon, App Store- and their counterparts have been smoothly penetrating to our daily lives whether personal or business related. These mediums stand out with their practical offers which provide for easier, faster and secure access to information and various goods and services.  Since these […]

Şafak HerdemManaging Partner, Herdem Attorneys At Law

Disabled-Friendly Banking Became Compulsory in Turkey

The seemingly endless discussions on disability discrimination that has lasted for over decades between disabled persons and the regulatory bodies in social life provide countless lessons for those offering services to public commonly. In recent years some private companies and banks have introduced disabled-friendly infrastructure in their services and started to train their employees to […]

Şafak HerdemManaging Partner, Herdem Attorneys At Law

Accusations on Elon Musk and Tesla: Is the Market Manipulated?

The increase and decrease in value, when stock shares are in question, affect the conditions of the related market and the decisions of the investors. Recently, the suit filed by Andrew Left, a short seller, to the detriment of Elon Musk, the CEO of “Tesla Motors, Inc.”, displayed the alteration in investor behaviors. Aforementioned change […]

Şafak HerdemManaging Partner, Herdem Attorneys At Law

GDPR and RegTech

Replacing the existing Data Protection Directive, General Data Protection Regulation will come into effect in May 2018. Exactly 3 months ahead for the enforcement, enterprises are currently in a hurry providing the compliances foreseen by the GDPR. This legal change of requirements in the ever growing field of work of personal data, has even produced […]

Şafak HerdemManaging Partner, Herdem Attorneys At Law

Telecommunications and Telematics in Thailand

As technology and telecommunications continue to converge at blinding speed, other sectors are joining the party with equally breathtaking acceleration. An example is the automotive sector, wherein the automotive sector converges with the technology and telecom sectors. Anything from monitoring tire pressure, mileage usage (e.g. in pricing leases), to alerts on pending or anticipated malfunctions […]

HERDEM joins IR as the exclusive Tech-Media-Telecoms Member in Turkey

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Şafak Herdem of HERDEM. Şafak has joined IR as our exclusive Tech-Media-Telecoms Member in Turkey. HERDEM is an Istanbul based law firm that engages multinational transactions to support business objectives and to transact business in the burgeoning and developing economic environment of Turkey. […]

Şafak HerdemManaging Partner, Herdem Attorneys At Law

HERDEM joins IR as the exclusive Tech-Media-Telecoms Member in Turkey

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Yunus Caglar of HERDEM. Yunus has joined IR as our exclusive Tech-Media-Telecoms Member in Turkey. HERDEM is an Istanbul based law firm that engages multinational transactions to support business objectives and to transact business in the burgeoning and developing economic environment of […]

Yunus CaglarLegal Counsel, Herdem Attorneys At Law