Which techniques are typically used by international counter parties in Germany to overcome what appears to be an insurmountable obstacle?

If I feel there is a difficult situation, I like to use humour. When you use humour correctly, most people relax, the problem is that humour around the world is often different. If you can create a more relaxed situation, then it is easier to continue negotiations, we are all human beings and we want […]

Urs BreitsprecherPartner, Reef - Rechtsanwälte

Please recount a “war story” in your experience of a negotiation approach that went spectacularly well and explain how/why it worked.

I once represented a small German company when a French company was in the process of buying it. The owner’s daughter died suddenly of a heart attack during the negotiations and the two attorneys on either side held the deal together. Negotiations were conducted in a polite and respectful way following the death, and we […]

Urs BreitsprecherPartner, Reef - Rechtsanwälte


EVENT – BRAZILIAN BAR ASSOCIATION – RIO DE JANEIRO SECTION (“OAB/RJ”) – SPECIAL LICITATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACTS COMMISSION (“CELCA”)   We inform our employees, customers, friends and colleagues that Dr.ª. Paula Pincelli Tavares Vivacqua, as President of the Special Licitation and Administrative Contracts Commission (“CELCA”) of the Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro Section […]

What are some of the negotiation approaches least likely to achieve mutually satisfactory resolution of a deal obstacle in Germany?

Even in Western Europe, the cultures are very different in my opinion. The French are so totally different than Germans. We had a client from France who was buying a German company. They should have signed the deal at the end of July, but when it was delayed to the beginning of August, the big […]

Urs BreitsprecherPartner, Reef - Rechtsanwälte


BRAZIL – HIGHLIGHTS – FOREIGN COMPANIES PARTNERS OR SHAREHOLDERS OF BRAZILIAN COMPANIES In our last report we mentioned that in the cases in which the foreign company wishes to become a partner  or shareholder  of   a  Brazilian   company, “DREI” Normative Instructions  34/2017 and 38/2017 must be observed. “DREI” = DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS REGISTRY AND INTEGRATION […]

UK-expats – do not lose your residence in the Czech Republic after Brexit – learn how can you keep your rights

According to the EU law, UK citizens may stay and work freely in the Czech Republic without any required permits being (e.g. visa, work permits etc.) Nevertheless, on 29 March 2019, the situation is about to change with the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The legal status of UK citizen has […]

Aleš EppingerPartner, Schaffer & Partner

UK-expats – do not lose your residence in the Czech Republic after Brexit – learn how can you keep your rights

According to the EU law, UK citizens may stay and work freely in the Czech Republic without any required permits being (e.g. visa, work permits etc.) Nevertheless, on 29 March 2019, the situation is about to change with the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The legal status of UK citizen has […]

Šárka GregorováPartner, Schaffer & Partner

Czech businesses to publish their financial statements in Commercial Register or they may be dissolved

Companies are under obligation to publish their annual financial statements in the Collection of Deeds of the Commercial Register in which they are accessible to public. If a firm fails to meet the obligation, it may be (even repeatedly) fined up to CZK 100,000 by the Registration Court, and in the most serious cases the […]

Aleš EppingerPartner, Schaffer & Partner

Czech businesses to publish their financial statements in Commercial Register or they may be dissolved

Companies are under obligation to publish their annual financial statements in the Collection of Deeds of the Commercial Register in which they are accessible to public. If a firm fails to meet the obligation, it may be (even repeatedly) fined up to CZK 100,000 by the Registration Court, and in the most serious cases the […]

Šárka GregorováPartner, Schaffer & Partner

D’Empaire Reyna: German Desk

  D’EMPAIREHerr Rechtsanwalt Arnoldo TroconisPlaza La Castellana,Edif. Bancaracas, PHCaracas 1060, VenezuelaTel. +582122646244Fax. [email protected]/en/ ​D’Empaire ist eine unabhängige venezolanische Rechtsanwaltskanzlei die im Jahr 1972 zur Beratung von Unternehmen und Finanzinstituten gegründet wurde. Heutzutage ist Firma mit Sitz in Caracas eine der führenden Kanzleien in Venezuela und bietet Dienstleistungen in allen Bereichen des Rechts an. Der Mandantenkreis […]