Turkish Pharmaceuticals and Medical Equipment Institution (the “Institution”) issued a new Regulation on the Promotional Activities of Human Medicinal Products (the “New Regulation”) which has been published in the Official Gazette dated 03.07.2015.  The New Regulation abolishes and replaces the Regulation that has been in effect since 26.08.2011 (the “Old Regulation”).   Save for a number […]

Why did this happen to me? The psychological effects of medical accidents or negligence – England

As individuals experiencing some form of serious medical problem, we rely on our primary care General practitioners and then secondary care Medical Specialists to provide us with a package of care (typically including assessment, diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary care) that is safe, appropriate, in line with best practice guidelines and which has been clearly communicated to us. We understand that sometimes, over […]

Employment Stress: Legal & Personal Injury Issues – England

This article discusses how to consider and define employment stress, what factors contribute to it and maintain it, and what services both preventative and rehabilitative are necessary to maintain a healthy workforce within a competitive market place.  Stress and mental health disorders are one of the biggest causes of long-term absence from the workplace (Black & Frost, 2011). It is estimated […]

The Acute Phase of Trauma: What is the First Week Like – England

Trauma victimstypically report alterationsin their experience of place, person and time associated with a sense of unreality to what has been happening. Being in a serious road accident, work accident, or medical accident can resultin the phenomenon of “dissociation” which may take severalforms,such as an altered time sense, with time being experienced asslowing down or significantly accelerated; feelings of unreality, depersonalisation, out-of-body experiences […]

The psychological effects of medical accidents or negligence – England

As individuals experiencing some form of serious medical problem, we rely on our primary care General Practitioners and then secondary care Medical Specialists to provide us with a package of care (typically including assessment, diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary care) that is safe, appropriate, in line with best practice guidelines and which has been clearly communicated to us. We understand that sometimes, […]

Don’t Forget Memory Problems: When to Get a Neuropsychological Assessment – England

When should a Neuropsychological assessment be considered? “Joan aged 61 was hit by a car whilst waiting for a bus. At the scene she was unconscious for 15 minutes and on admission to hospital she was confused and disoriented, with a Glasgow Coma Scale of 12/15 indicating the probability of a moderate brain injury. After several months she had generally […]

Should a Treating Clinician also Act as an Expert for the Court?

Dr Smith, an experienced psychologist and therapist, prepared a medico-legal report on a claimant, who had been involved in a serious road accident. He diagnosed a phobia of driving and trauma-related depression and recommended cognitive behavioural therapy.  One year later he agreed to provide this therapy, during which a number of other causative and maintaining factors emerged, many […]