I am absolutely delighted to report that the firm continues its leadership role in venture capital transactions (representing both companies and investors) regionally, nationally and globally.  We enjoyed a record-breaking performance in 2016  – for the first time ever, McCarter was a leader in the venture capital global league rankings, achieving recognition in five categories […]

SNEED PLLC Founding Attorney Jason M. Sneed Recognized as North Carolina “Lawyer of the Year” in Trademark Law

DAVIDSON – Just five years after opening his own firm in Davidson, NC, Jason Sneed, founder and managing attorney of SNEED PLLC has been named as North Carolina’s Lawyer of the Year in Trademark Law by North Carolina’s Best Lawyers magazine. Mr. Sneed said he is honored to receive recognition for his work protecting trademarks […]

Goodbye to the paper-based court proceedings in Paraguayan courts

We are glad to announce a major innovation regarding litigation proceedings having place in Paraguayan courts: the digitalization of commercial cases. Gradually, court proceedings are abandoning the old-fashioned, paper-based handling of cases and are shifting to the implementation of digital court proceedings. The implementation of paperless cases will allows judges, court officials and litigators to […]

China Cracking down on Malicious Trademark Registrations

What do a deck of playing cards and a lighter have in common? ‘Nothing’, one could argue. On December 30th 2015, the Beijing No.1 Intermediate People’s Court argued otherwise and endorsed a creative argument in a case involving the world’s biggest playing card manufacturing company and a malicious trademark applicant. The United States Playing Card […]

Peter C. PangPrincipal Attorney and Managing Partner, IPO Pang Xingpu

German Appellate Court of Munich issues preliminary injunction against Google because of a certain search result within its organic search

For the first time the Oberlandesgericht München  (OLG München, Beschluss v. 27.4.2015, Az. 18 W 591/15) issued a preliminary injunction forbidding Google to publish a certain search result within its organic search. The reason for this injunction was that the term „Betrugsverdacht“ (Suspicion of fraud) was linked to the company´s name leading to a report […]

MESEN IP joins IR as the exclusive IP – Litigation Member in Turkey

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Engin Caniyilmaz of MESEN IP. Engin has joined IR as our exclusive IP – Litigation Member in Turkey. Engin CANIYILMAZ is a chartered and registered Trademark and Patent Attorney since 2005 especially specialized in advising on intellectual and industrial property rights. He assists Clients […]

: Freitas Angell & Weinberg LLP joins IR as the exclusive IP – Litigation Member in US – California

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Robert E Freitas of Freitas Angell & Weinberg LLP. Robert has joined IR as our exclusive IP – Litigation member in US – California. Bob Freitas is a founding partner of Freitas Angell & Weinberg LLP. Bob was a partner in […]

Robert FreitasPartner, Freitas & Weinberg LLP

CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre Lyon joins IR as the exclusive IP – Litigation Member in France

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Jean-Guillaume Monin of CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre Lyon. Jean-Guillaume has joined IR as our exclusive IP – Litigation member in France. Jean-Guillaume MONIN is a partner in the IP/ IT Competition and Distribution Law Department of the French CMS Office, devoted to both […]

Fighting Counterfeits in China – Light at the End of the Tunnel?

While many foreign companies believe that China represents an exceptional business opportunity, concerns over patent, trademark, and copyright protection have long been viewed as a barrier to moving forward. While knock-off and copy-cat products originate in many countries, China was for years — and still is — considered the most flagrant offender. In a private conversation with the Technical Services […]

Peter C. PangPrincipal Attorney and Managing Partner, IPO Pang Xingpu

China’s New Trademark Law: Greater Protection, Higher Penalties and More Efficient Registration

The new Trademark Law was passed on August 30, 2013, to take effect on May 1, 2014, after nearly 10 years of revisions and several rounds of public comment. China’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress made a hearty attempt to outline ways to streamline trademark registration processing, afford greater protection for trademark owners […]

Peter C. PangPrincipal Attorney and Managing Partner, IPO Pang Xingpu