Hearing the Voice of a Child

The legal system of England and Wales has been in the news recently, with a spotlight shone on the children caught up in bitter disputes between their parents, or between their parents and the local authority. Family law solicitors often find that cases involving contact with children can be the most difficult. In many cases, […]

Grandparents Rights

Grandparents have been in the news recently with Esther Rantzen, amongst others, highlighting the harrowing stories of grandparents whose relationship with their grandchildren has been obstructed or terminated following parental separation or family feuds. Given many parents work and childcare costs are escalating, grandparents are often essential to family routines and assist on the childcare […]

Prenups: An Alternative View

Ever since I have been in practice – and that is a very long time – there has been a popular myth that Prenuptial Agreements are simply not enforceable in the United Kingdom. The source of the myth is almost certainly the fact that until a few years ago, prenups were generally unenforceable in England. […]