Virtual Currencies in the European Single Market

What are virtual currencies? European Banking Authority (EBA) regards virtual currencies as being a digital representation of value that is neither issued by a central bank or a public authority nor necessarily attached to a regular currency, but is accepted by natural or legal persons as a means of payment, and can be transferred, stored […]

Katherine EvansSenior Partner, Mirkwood Evans Vincent

Markets Ponder the Pound

This week starts off with the markets in somewhat of a quandary over what to do with the Pound. Over recent weeks we have seen Sterling drop away from the multi-year highs it had achieved, following various negative data releases from the UK economy. The overall position is still very strong though, with unemployment and […]

SIMONT BRAUN – DIGITAL FINANCE NEWS: Simont Braun on Virtual Currency

Simont Braun’s Digital Finance Team has published a newsletter on Virtual Currency (such as bitcoins-, its characteristics, its relation with e-money and the necessity(?) to create a regulatory framework in this respect. Please find the the full article on     Digital Finance News on Virtual Currency

Currency Control Restrictions Create Black Market for U.S. Dollars in Latin America

    With the inflation surge and erosion of their currency, Latin American countries, such as Argentina and Venezuela, are using price caps and currency controls to control the hyperinflation that was created by the failed financial policies of the last several decades. The currency control restrictions have created a “parallel” or “black” market currency […]

Gary E DavidsonPartner, Diaz Reus

A Slow Start to the Week

Monday was a fairly flat day in the currency markets as the week started with hardly any data releases, certainly none of any key importance. Early morning retail sales from Switzerland showed growth of 3.4 percent which although a massive improvement on the expected 0.3 percent growth, did little to benefit the Swissy. On the […]