What are the Requirements to File a Concentration Under the European Merger Control Rules?

In the European Union, the European Commission (“EC”) in Brussels analyzes mergers and acquisitions, known as concentrations, with “EU dimension.” And the Directorate General for Competition (“DG COMP”) determines whether a concentration is compatible with EU competition law rules. The EC may prohibit a concentration with EU dimension when the transaction significantly impedes effective competition in all or a substantial […]

Jarod BonaPartner, Bona Law PC

The pharmaceutical industry in the eye of the competition storm – L’industrie pharmaceutique dans l’oeil du cyclone concurrentiel

The pharmaceutical industry is a sector of deep interest for competition authorities.  The launch of a new sector enquiry was announced by the French Competition authority in November 2017. The French authority wishes to get a clear picture of this particular sector in order to issue recommendations and adjust its policy and strategy, in response […]

Lithium Ion Batteries, Indirect Purchaser Antitrust Class Actions, and the Reality of Pricing

It isn’t easy to be an indirect purchaser antitrust class action plaintiff. Not only do you have to satisfy the difficult standards for class certification (discussed here), but you also have to prove that the direct purchasers passed on an overcharge from defendants’ alleged anticompetitive conduct. Before we go further, let’s talk about how direct purchasers […]

Jarod BonaPartner, Bona Law PC

Session during UNCTAD’s Annual E-Commerce Week on Public-Private Dialogue to Drive E-Commerce

We would like to share the news with you about an event being organized in April 2018 under auspices of UNCTAD in Geneva, Switzerland on the theme “Development Dimensions of Digital Platforms”. As a part of this important event, one of the sessions; “Public-Private Dialogue to Drive E-Commerce”,  will be conducted (as moderator) by our Managing […]

The US Supreme Court Should Affirm the Ninth Circuit in SolarCity: State-Action-Immunity Defendants Have No Right to an Immediate Appeal

Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court granted a writ of certiorari to decide a circuit split on an important procedural question concerning the state-action immunity to the federal antitrust laws: whether a decision denying the state-action immunity is immediately appealable or must await a final decision just like most issues raised on a motion to dismiss. The case, SolarCity Corporation […]

Aaron GottOf Counsel, Bona Law PC

Antitrust News: DOJ Antitrust Will Try to Speed Merger Reviews

Antitrust News is a new feature at The Antitrust Attorney Blog. We will periodically report on and address new developments in the antitrust world, from FTC or DOJ guidance to important court decisions to relevant legislative developments to worldwide antitrust issues. Although some of our prior articles involve antitrust developments, most of these posts consist of content that is less timely […]

Jarod BonaPartner, Bona Law PC

How Do I File My Antitrust Complaint in the European Union? An Example from the Intel Case

Author: Luis Blanquez As a US company doing business internationally, you might wonder what are the legal rules and procedures currently in place in the European Union to file an antitrust complaint. First, you should understand that The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) is based on the existence of a single market with free movement of […]

Jarod BonaPartner, Bona Law PC

Bona Law PC Adds Star Antitrust Attorney from DLA Piper and Opens New York Office

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–California-based boutique antitrust law firm Bona Law PC opened a New York office and picked up a DLA Piper antitrust lawyer, bolstering its merger and international antitrust practice and expanding on the services it provides clients. “Our vision is to provide clients with greater value and more flexibility for all of their antitrust and competition matters, and […]

Jarod BonaPartner, Bona Law PC