COVID-19 Pandemic: Enforcement of Electronic Court Proceeding in Indonesia

We provide herein our articles titled “COVID-19 Pandemic: Enforcement of Electronic Court Proceeding in Indonesia” which discuss the implementation of e-court and e-litigation system amidst the unfolding coronavirus pandemic. Please be advised that some new measures may be implemented by the government on a daily basis to keep up with the ever-changing situation. Please follow our LinkedIn profile to […]

Marshall SitumorangFounder and Partner, Nusantara Legal Partnership

Zarena Factory: Sale of Medical Masks

Zarena Factory is a leading company in Bulgaria that provides sustainable high quality products at affordable prices. In this regard, Zarena is a manufacturer of two types of masks – Medical (Certified as Type IIR) and Hygiene (Certified as FFP1). The issued certification of the above-mentioned masks is subject to the requirements of the EC […]

Nina BotevaFounding Partner, Nina Boteva Law Office

BGH upholds trademark protection for square design

In rulings from July 23, 2020, the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) – Germany´s Federal Supreme Court – confirmed that three-dimensional forms, including the shape or packaging of goods, are capable of benefiting from trademark protection (Az.: I ZB 42/19 and I ZB 43/19). They can often be found close to each other on the supermarket shelves. One […]

Michael RainerManaging Partner, MTR Rechtsanwälte

FinCEN’s Procedure Ensures Financial Institutions’ Compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act

AUTHORED BY EKATERINA LONG  Domestic financial institutions and agencies of foreign banks operating in the U.S. must comply with the requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act. [1] The BSA broadly defines financial institution, encompassing, brokers or dealers in securities or commodities, credit unions, commercial banks, and trust companies. [2] The BSA obligates these institutions to maintain […]

Kenneth C. JohnstonPartner, Johnston Clem Gifford PLLC

COVID-19 – Substandard Quality of Masks and Other Protective Equipment

The coronavirus pandemic is not over. Respiratory masks and other protective gear remain vital. However, the issues of quality and outstanding invoices are also increasingly taking center stage. The global number of coronavirus infections continues to increase, with the number of people infected with COVID-19 rising once again in Germany. The Robert Koch Institute cites […]

Michael RainerManaging Partner, MTR Rechtsanwälte

COVID-19 & Protective Masks – Distributors Left With Outstanding Invoices

People wearing protective masks have become a common sight since the outbreak of the coronavirus. Yet the quality of some of these masks and the outstanding invoices are becoming a source of frustration. Respiratory masks are among the measures that are meant to protect people from being infected with the coronavirus. It is now compulsory […]

Michael RainerManaging Partner, MTR Rechtsanwälte

BFH: Interest on the deferral of compensation for forgoing the statutory share subject to taxation

In the event that an heir waives their right to the statutory share in the estate and opts to defer claiming compensation, the deferral interest is subject to income tax. That was the verdict of the Bundesfinanzhof, Germany’s Federal Fiscal Court (Az.: VIII R 22/17). It is not uncommon for claims to the statutory share […]

Michael RainerManaging Partner, MTR Rechtsanwälte

COVID-19 Pandemic: Extension of Immigration Documents for Foreigners with Indonesia’s Emergency Residency Permit

We provide herein our articles titled “COVID-19 Pandemic: Extension of Immigration Documents for Foreigners with Indonesia’s Emergency Residency Permit ” which discuss a new instruction from the Director-General of Immigration which requires foreigners who have previously obtained Emergency Residency Pemit/Izin Tinggal Keadaan Terpaksa to extend their visas and/or expired residency permits no later than 20 September […]

Marshall SitumorangFounder and Partner, Nusantara Legal Partnership