Guidance on the conduct of General Meetings amid the COVID-19 pandemic

On 23 September 2020, in view of the relatively low number of COVID-19 community cases, the Ministry of Health issued an advisory on “Resuming More Activities Safely” (“MOH Advisory“). The MOH Advisory provides, amongst others, that work-related events within workplace premises that are business-oriented (including general meetings) will be allowed to resume, for up to […]

Soo Ling See TowPartner, CNPLaw LLP

Cyprus Alternative Investment Funds

The significant progress achieved in the Cyprus investment funds industry is expected to be further boosted, thanks to the additional flexibility and competitiveness recently brought forward in the alternative investment fund (AIF) structures and the “Mini Manager” regime. In this presentation, our Law Firm outlines the key characteristics of the AIF structures, including certain benefits […]

Stelios AmericanosManaging Partner Advocate-Corporate and Commercial, Stelios Americanos & Co LLC

Introduction of Bill 59, An Act to modernize the occupational health and safety regime: Major changes expected

On October 27, 2020, Quebec’s Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity, Jean Boulet, introduced Bill 59, An Act to modernize the occupational health and safety regime (“Bill 59”). In order to give you a general overview of the most important changes proposed by Bill 59, our team has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the […]

Richard ProvostPartner, Langlois Lawyers, LLP

Class actions: Supreme Court of Canada upholds the status quo over authorization criteria in Quebec

On October 30, the Supreme Court of Canada released its long-awaited decision in Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc. v. Asselin1 (the “Asselin decision”). Ever since leave to appeal was granted in June 2019,2 practitioners and litigants have been kept in suspense, anticipating a potential amendment to the analytical framework of the criteria for authorization of a class action in Quebec.  However, […]

Richard ProvostPartner, Langlois Lawyers, LLP

Singapore’s Economic Development Board announces the launch of the Tech. Pass, a new work pass for top-tier foreign tech talents

As an expansion of the Tech@SG programme launched by Singapore’s Economic Development Board (EDB) in 2019, the EDB has announced the launch of a new work pass in Singapore – the Tech.Pass. The Tech.Pass, which is administered by the EDB and supported by the Ministry of Manpower, is targeted at top-tier foreign professionals and experts […]

Subramanian PillaiPartner, CNPLaw LLP

Register your interest: A webinar on consumer laws and product liability (10 December 2020)

Thursday, December 10, 2020 18.00HRS IST / 20.30HRS SGT REGISTER HERE On Thursday, 10 December 2020, our co-panellists will discuss how legal protections to consumers affect the conduct of business by e-commerce companies in India, businesses in Singapore, the UK and the US. The panel will discuss which primary regulatory impediments face these companies and […]

Subramanian PillaiPartner, CNPLaw LLP

Doyles Construction Lawyers joins IR as the exclusive Construction Law and Commercial Arbitration Member in Australia

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce James Patrick Doyle FCIArb of Doyles Construction Lawyers. James has joined IR as our exclusive Construction Law and Commercial Arbitration member in Australia. Doyles Construction Lawyers was established in 1991 by its Principal Lawyer, Jim Doyle and has since grown expanded […]

Jim Patrick Doyle FCIArbDirector, Doyles Construction Lawyers

Diaz Reus International Law Firm & Alliance (DRT) Earns Law360’s #1 Diversity Spot for Second Consecutive Year

Miami, FL – September 2, 2020 – For the second consecutive year, Diaz Reus International Law Firm & Alliance (DRT) announces that it has been ranked #1 in Law 360’s “2020 Diversity Snapshot”, in the category of law firms with 100 or fewer attorneys. The survey shows that the U.S. legal industry as a whole […]

Gary E DavidsonPartner, Diaz Reus

What is the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on your professional and ethical obligations?

Many professionals in Quebec are wondering what impact the ongoing COVID-19 crisis may have on their professional and ethical obligations. Fortunately for the public, the pandemic has not relaxed the ethical obligations of professionals who are members of an order governed by the Professional Code1 or members of a self-regulating professional body. Generally speaking, all professionals, regardless […]

Richard ProvostPartner, Langlois Lawyers, LLP