State Contracts

Orlando Cabrera   Mexico as one of the heirs of the civil law tradition, instituted by the Spanish Kingdom, and thereafter procured by the scholars of the free nation, sits down at the table of the Latin American brotherhood of “state contracts” (contratos administrativos) that are subject to a public law regime (administrative law) utterly […]

“New perspectives defense of public credit in the competition after the recent legislation and case law”

PAJARES & ASSOCIATES LAWYERS participated in the course “New perspectives defense of public credit in the competition after the recent legislation and case law” that took place in Madrid on 17 and 18 February, giving his paper “Position and participation TGSS during the bankruptcy proceedings from the point of view of the bankrupt “. Download attachment: Bankruptcy […]

Intellectual Property

Dubai’s court of cassation defines intellectual property as, “it is every invented property whether it was literature, vocal, or as regardless to its nature, purpose or importance”. From this definition we can analyze that, intellectual property can be in the form of a book or a painting or a song or any new invention. It […]

Cash flow statement

Cash flow statement is a vital component of any financial statements. According to the International Accounting Standard (IAS/IFRS) set, Companies are required to provide a cash flow statement as mandatory component of their financial statements. IAS 7 specifically indicates that “Information about the cash flows of an entity is helpful in providing users of financial […]