Indication of the “benefical owner” at the Corporate Taxpayer’s Registry (CNPJ) becomes mandatory

Following a global trend of combating tax evasion, foreign currency drain and money laundering, as well as complying with the foreign treaties entered into for such purposes (such as the adherence to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), to the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters and the BEPS – Base Erosion and Profit […]

Brazilian government is narrowing the field to non-declared assets and resources maintained abroad by Brazilian residents

Following a global trend of tax evasion, foreign currency drain and money laundering fighting, as well as complying with the foreign treaties entered into for such purposes, the Brazilian government has enacted this year a pack of rules aiming at combating the crimes referred to herein above. The first rule was published in January of […]

Cyprus Funds

Introduction The regulatory framework in Cyprus is all-encompassing but still attractive to investment funds for varied investor requirements. An investment fund may be set up in Cyprus either as an Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”), or as an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (“UCITS”). Cyprus administers all internationally recognized legal forms of both AIFs […]

Soteris FlourentzosManaging Director, Soteris Flourentzos & Associates LLC

Argentine Regulation of Renewable Sources

With a collapsed energy market in Argentina and a change of the current administration in 2015, it is clear that Argentina will have to develop and invest in the energy sector, and especially in the renewable energies sector. The purpose of this note is to briefly develop some of the main traits of the renewable energy legislation in – and theprospects for – Argentina. National System for Wind […]

Javier CanosaPartner, Canosa Abogados

The changing face of the BVI

The changing face of the BVI   The BVI has long been recognised as the ‘go-to’ domicile for the incorporation of offshore companies. There is no question that this can be attributed in large part to the basic tenet of the jurisdiction being tax neutral, highly cost efficient and offering a good degree of privacy […]

Calum McKenzieDirector, Hatstone Trust Company (BVI) Limited

BVI Approved Investment Manager Amendment Regulations

Investment Business (Approved Managers) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 Last year we told you that the BVI had introduced a new ‘regulation light’ regime for the recognition and approval of Investment Managers and Advisers. The essence of the new regime was to strike the right balance of flexibility, cost and effective regulation In practical terms, the […]

Calum McKenzieDirector, Hatstone Trust Company (BVI) Limited

McCafferty Asset Management joins IR as the exclusive Asset Management Member in England.

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Ben Patmore of McCafferty Asset Management. Ben has joined IR as our exclusive Asset Management member in England. Ben is Director of Asset Management and is responsible for asset managing McCafferty’s portfolios and teams of consultants within the UK, Germany and […]