On 16 June 2015 HAPP LUTHER / MDS MÖHRLE, in cooperation with Recommind, will provide a seminar (in German) titled “Post Merger Streitigkeiten (Conflicts)”. The speakers will discuss the typical conflicts between purchasers and sellers of companies and the significant risks that may arise post closing of a transaction. In this connection, the means of prevention, detection and reaction of/to those risks will also be indicated. In more detail, the following questions will be dealt with:
- What are the most common conflicts arising in practice post closing of transactions? How can those conflicts be prevented during the negotiations and drafting of the relevant transactional documents?
- What support can be provided by Post Merger Audits in order to detect hidden infringements of competition laws and which options does the purchaser have (restructuring, reverse transaction), to quickly react on such significant risks?
- How should tax risks be dealt with correctly in connection with the acquisition of companies?
The abovementioned questions will be answered by M&A and Competition law lawyers, tax and auditing advisors as well as E-Discovery experts.”
Please see link below for full event details