Portugal is “no longer the ugly duckling”

Sandra Jardim FernandesHead of Immigration Dept, Valadas Coriel & Associados

As ratings agency Fitch upgraded Portugal’s position to “positive”, political leaders have wasted no time blowing the proverbial trumpets.

At a meeting organised by the Luso-Spanish Chamber of Commerce, Portugal’s economy minister Pires de Lima declared Spain and Portugal are now “elegant swans” when it comes to capturing foreign investment.

“Rapidly, we have gone from ugly ducklings to elegant swans in the eyes of investors,” he told his audience. Portugal and Spain have been singled out as cases of success.”

Nonetheless, he agreed there is still much to be done. “We need to give people their lives back. We cannot talk of success with unemployment levels over 15% and when a large number of talented young people have difficulty finding opportunities on the Iberian Peninsula.” Thus the appeal to businesses.

“The best way businesses can help the economy is by believing in Portugal and investing here,” he stressed. “We need your investment to create wealth and employment.”

– The Portugal Press

