Paraguay: An Update For The Second Week Of The Year 2015

Important news this week include two bills under study, an analysis of the first results of the Public Private Partnership Law and the total volume of Paraguayan exports.

In that sense, members of the Paraguayan Chamber of Corporations engaged in the Commerce of Household Cleaning Products, Personal Hygiene Products and Similar, together with the National Office of Health Surveillance, are currently working on a bill that will replace the current legal scheme in Paraguay which requires health registration to be issued for household cleaning products, personal hygiene products, cosmetics and similar, prior to their commercialization in the Paraguayan market. Such scheme is based on legislation already implemented in several countries and it is expected to have a positive impact on locally-manufactured products, as it will enable such products to be launched into the market more rapidly and prevent them from losing competitiveness at international level.

On the other hand, bank and financial corporations are currently requesting the passing of a law that shall regulate all means of electronic payment. Today, business transactions carried out over mobile telephones are regulated by a resolution issued by the Paraguayan Central Bank at the beginning of the year 2014 and which bankers have deemed as of dubious legality. They consider that a legal framework regulation regulating all means of electronic payment is necessary, as it will establish clear definitions, guarantee competition and free trade and give protection to users. The bill is being examined by the Chamber of Deputies.

Also, a recent report issued by an economic consulting group in Paraguay reveals that the country is closed to its first milestone in the implementation of the Public Private Partnership Law due to the fact that in the year 2015 the first tendering of projects shall be performed. Their results will be important for the improvement of infrastructure in the country. Moreover, it is considered that the current Public Private Partnership Law is very up-to-date globally speaking and even though the implementation of its mechanisms is only starting, important steps that include the establishment of a legal framework, as well as establishment of public-private partnership projects, have been taken.
Regarding the Paraguayan economy, the Paraguayan newspaper 5dias issued a report on the main exporting corporations and the principal countries of destination. According to said report, the total volume of exports throughout the year 2014 reached USD 7,500 million, a similar number to that registered in the year 2013.
