New mhONLINE Tax – South Africa


Another first and “out of the box” idea comes to you courtesy of Meredith Harington.

After successfully operating mhONLINE Accounting and mhONLINE Advisory for some time we now introduce to you mhONLINE Tax, our latest innovative idea to save you time and inconvenience in completing your annual tax returns.

mhONLINE Tax enables the user to:

  • receive and approve annual IT12 tax returns and IRP6 provisional tax returns online
  • collate and submit all documents relating to the tax return conveniently in one place.

It contains:

  • a full list of supporting documents required for submission of your tax return so you are not repeatedly asked for additional information
  • a number of schedules and templates for the user, which if used smartly can save you time and money.

The benefits of mhONLINE Tax:

  • easy to use and accessible from anywhere in the world, 24/7
  • no more lost documents
  • ability to prepare your own schedules in an efficient format
  • everything in one place
  • secure and personal
  • saves time
  • online approval
  • less stressful
  • no cost to the user

For existing individual tax clients please watch your inbox for your username and password.

And just in case you still need some convincing – we are offering a R 200 discount on all 2013 IT12 tax returns which are submitted to us through mhONLINE Tax for all information submitted before 22 October 2013.


  • mhONLINE Accounting – we use the Sage Pastel platform which is a familiar and popular accounting package for most businesses in South Africa. You or your bookkeeper can access your accounting records 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Both you and a MH representative have access to the records so if you only feel comfortable processing certain entries you can do just that and we can pick up the rest. Your data is live and current and this is the best way to keep up to date. VAT returns are always accurate. No mess no fuss. No more purchasing programme updates. For less than R2000 per annum in licence fees this is a no brainer.
  • mhONLINE Advisory – we offer a set of questionnaires which have been designed to be used as business tools. You can complete various reviews that range from business start up and growth to strategy and innovation. Once the review/s has been completed they can be sent to us for consideration and analysis which will facilitate a meaningful discussion and action plan for the area that you chose.
  • mhONLINE Share – Draft documents including entity financial statements can be uploaded by us for your secure viewing and comment as well as submitting other documents required for your accounting or audit.

Some food for thought about working online…

Completion of online questionnaires, accounting and other forms of sharing information is not by any means a new concept. But the comfort and familiarity of actually using these online systems on a daily basis is another story.

For those of us in business today who hear all the jargon around working online but don’t really follow it all… lets try to show you the benefits.

  • Efficient and simple – doing things online gives you the ability to stay up to date because you can do it anywhere at anytime and with fewer errors because you are dealing with matters when the details are fresh.
  • Global access – yes, sometimes it feels like we never get to have a bit of peace and quiet away from technology but if the only time you have available to review your accounting or deal with your personal tax is on your way to a meeting in Moscow by train then being online is going to work perfectly for your schedule. Likewise if you are a salesman on the road from Cape Town to the Karoo 3 times a week. All you need is an internet connection.
  • Low cost – the cost of bandwidth is cheaper than ever before and using online tools inevitably gets you away from more expensive package licences.
  • Less IT & admin – maintenance requirements are much less onerous when using online tools. There is no need for installation or upgrades. Security concerns over storing data in the cloud is naturally a concern but provided that adequate controls are put in place and monitored regularly you’ll be safe.
  • Room for growth – no more worries about emailing files that are too big, then dealing with bounced emails, zipping files, using a fax instead or getting in your car to deliver the documents. Size doesn’t matter. There is also exponential capacity for new features and requirements.
  • Collaborative – it’s like sitting side-by-side and working through the issues when you could actually be sitting in a different city. Its more useful, timeous, relevant and value adding.

Working online is here to stay. We’ve embraced it through our 4 online offerings and we hope that you can see the value and time saving opportunities too.
