New deadline for the transitional tariffs for energy sale – Energy Law in Portugal

Aiming to promote the energy market competition, the price transparency and increasing the national economy competitiveness in the sector, the Decree-law no. 104/2010, of September 29th has set the extinction, in the mainland, of regulated tariffs in electricity sales to the end users, in extra-high voltage (EHV), high voltage (HV), medium voltage (MV), and special low voltage (SLV). 

Considering that the transition and selection of the new supplier by the consumer cannot take place automatically, an initial transitional period was set until the end of 2011, which has been extended successively until December 31st, 2013. During the transitional phase, ERSE was responsible for setting the transitional sale tariff for those consumers who have not contracted in the free market the supply of energy, thus keeping their contracts with the last resort suppliers.

Although currently in EHV there are no consumers supplied with transitional tariffs, a minority of consumers in the remaining tension levels remain without an electricity supply contracted on the free market. Thus, has entered into force on January 23rd the Decree-law no. 13/2014, dated of January 22nd, determinig the extension until the date to be set by Ministerial Order, of the transitional tariffs applicable to the end users supplied in HV, MV and SLV who have not yet joined the electricity market at free-based prices.

The Ministerial Order no. 27/2014, of February 4th has set the new deadline of the extension to December 31, 2014.
