Neolaw joins IR as the exclusive Corporate Law Member in Brazil.

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Raquel Santos of Neolaw. Raquel has joined IR as our exclusive Corporate Law member in Brazil.

Raquel has been working in the Tax Area since 1997, when started career in a boutique tax firm. Since then, she has worked not only at respectful law firms, but also in the tax area of a multinational company in Brazil.

Raquel graduated from Mackenzie Presbyterian University School of Law  (1999) and has a Masters in Tax Law (LL.M) from the Catholic University of São Paulo. She obtained her degree with the thesis “Trust: Das origens à aplicação pelos países de tradição romanista” (“Trust: From the Origins to the acceptance by Civil Law countries”).

In 2010, she was admitted to the PhD program in Tax Law at the same University.

neolaw. is a full service law firm which seeks to serve its clients in all legal matters related to their businesses. Based on this goal we have experienced rapid growth of its solid team in order to attend the most diverse needs of our clients, some of whom having us so present in their daily activities as to regard us as part of their “in house” team.

As a mote, we believe the success of our clients is our success. With this in mind, our modus operandi is premised to go beyond the mere document preparation. Safeness, constant and responsible feedback, prevention of problems and deal making solutions are our motto. With them, we seek to build long-term relationships in which deep knowledge of business goals and values ​​of our clients always allow us to maintain a focused performance. Promptly attending the most varied demands of our clients, we also bring along solid expertise geared to serve new markets in exponential rise, such as the market of technology and innovation, e-commerce and investments in seed capital and venture capital.

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Raquel directly or with the International Referral head office for an introduction.

[email protected]

[email protected]
