Michael Sobell Hospice and Turbervilles Partnership

Message from Lindsey Fealey – Chief Executive, Michael Sobell Hospice Charity
Lindsey Fealey – Chief Executive, Michael Sobell Hospice Charity

Lindsey Fealey – Chief Executive, Michael Sobell Hospice Charity

We are thrilled that Turbervilles Solicitors has chosen Michael Sobell Hospice to support and partner with. Building partnerships with local corporate organisations is very important to us, raising awareness of the hospice which provides comprehensive care and support to local families affected by life-limiting illness.
Hospice care is all about the person being more than a patient and providing ways to improve their quality of life through symptom control, pain relief and both spiritual and emotional support. We encourage the involvement of families, close friends and loved ones as they are often central to the well-being of those in our care. Recently, one of our patients commented that “The hospice is a place of complete calm with caring and dedicated staff”.
Russell and the team at Turbervilles have committed to helping us to provide Hospice care for local people in various ways including Legal Clinics for patients, their families and carers; exposure and increased awareness through web and social media and Legal Seminars on a range of different subjects, hosted at Michael Sobell Hospice, for our other corporate partners. They are also making an appeal to their staff to donate gifts for sale in our shops or as prizes for raffles and tombolas. We also seek good quality secondhand clothes and bric-a- brac which are always needed to top up our stock in our shops in Eastcote, Northwood and Ruislip.
If you would like to know more about Michael Sobell Hospice, please visit our websitewww.michaelsobellhospice.co.uk, call Geraint Hughes on 020 3826 2354 or email[email protected]. Or perhaps you would like to join our great team of volunteers – call Victoria on 020 3826 2356.

Message from Russell Hallam – Managing Partner, Turbervilles Solicitors

Russell Hallam – Managing Partner

For many years, The Michael Sobell Hospice has worked tirelessly to provide care for patients in the local community who face life-limiting illnesses as well as providing needed support for their families and carers. The Hospice has made a huge difference to so many lives. Recognising the contribution the Hospice has made to the region is vital.
However, at Turbervilles Solicitors, we believe it goes further. Whilst Corporate Social Responsibility is a term we now hear frequently, our firm do not believe this is solely about making financial donations but also giving our time and providing legal services to non-profit organisations in the community.

Along with the rest of Turbervilles, I am thrilled that our firm has now partnered with The Michael Sobell Hospice. Throughout the partnership, we will be hosting regular legal clinics and seminars for patients, families and carers.

We hope these events will provide answers and guidance to any questions they may have. In addition we hope it serves to give some peace of mind on the legal front, so that their time is freed up to focus on other important matters nearest and dearest to them.
Turbervilles is looking forward to supporting and meeting all those involved at the Hospice over the coming weeks and months.
