On 25 August 2014, BKPM issued Circular Letter No. 252/A.8/2014 on Company Folders. This new system is known as the Electronic Investment Service and Investment Licensing System (Sistem Pelayanan Informasi dan Perizinan Investasi Secara Elektronik or SPIPISE). BKPM aimed to introduce the SPIPISE system on 1 October 2014.
A company must have a “Right to Access” to create a “Company Folder”. The Right to Access can be obtained by (i) visiting the Information and Data Centre (Pusat Data dan Informasi/Pusdatin) at BKPM, or (ii) accessing the official SPIPISE website and completing the application form. Once the Right to Access has been granted, the company must log in to the SPIPISE website and follow the instructions provided to access the system and upload its corporate documents. Further information on and the procedures for this Company Folder can be found at the official SPIPISE website (online-spipise.bkpm.go.id).
BKPM uses the Company Folders to store companies’ standard corporate documents, such as the articles of association, Taxpayer Registration Number (NPWP), Letter of Domicile, Company Registration Certificate (TDP), business licenses issued by BKPM/technical departments, etc. As these documents are stored online, they no longer have to accompany any application submitted to BKPM.
However, hard copies of the application form, Power of Attorney, and other supporting documents depending on the type of the application, such as the business activities flowchart, composition of shareholders, etc. must still be submitted.
All companies supervised by BKPM are expected to have online Company Folders before 1 October 2014. BKPM has stated that it will now only accept applications from companies that have created a Company Folder.