Looking After Your IP

Our clients tell us that information on protecting their intellectual property and exploitation to best effect would be helpful. 
In response we have now launched a free update service which will tell you all about the threats and opportunities. 

To subscribe all you need to do is complete the link http://www.gannons.co.uk/intellectual-property/unregistered-ip-rights-passing-off-lookalikes/

We will be hosting a seminar on current IP hot topics towards the end of the year.  We will be in touch to tell you more in due course.

If you have any questions you can speak to any member of our team who will be happy to point you in the right direction.
Please respond to [email protected].

The Gannons team:  

Gannons is a specialist law firm based in central London focused on providing concise and practical advice to privately owned businesses and entrepreneurs, designed to resolve disputes effectively and counsel on important issues that arise in business such as whether they should be looking to expand or sell. 
