LEGAL UPDATE – Russian Government approved detailed measures upon downing of Russian Military Jet

On the 1st of December 2015 the Resolution of the Government Of The Russian Federation No. 1296 dated 30 November 2015 “On Measures to Implement Order No. 583 of the President of the Russian Federation, “On Measures to Ensure the National Security of the Russian Federation and to Protect its Nationals From Criminal and Other Illegal Acts and on Special Economic Measures in Regard to the Turkish Republic”, dated 28 November 2015″ (hereinafter – “Resolution”). The full text of the Resolution is available in Russian language on the official web-site of the Government of the Russian Federation, may be found here:

The following restrictions and prohibitions are adopted by the Resolution

(1) the list of products originated from the Republic of Turkey and prohibited for importation into the Russian Federation start from 1 January 2016 is defined by the Government save for the products imported for the personal use (in the legally accepted amount by Eurasian Economic Union);

(2) the ban is imposed on the legal entities under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Turkey to render services subject to specification by the Government. The list of these services expected to be adopted by the Government until 10 December 2015;

(3) visa-free travel between Russia and Turkey is prohibited;

(4) the negotiations on the draft of the Russian-Turkish agreement on trade of services and investments, project of medium-term cooperation program for 2016 – 2019 and on creation of the joint fund of financing of investments projects are suspended;

(5) chartered flights between Russia and the Republic of Turkey (save for specific flights for reverting back the tourists from the Republic of Turkey) are prohibited from 1 December 2015;

(6) the number of licenses, providing to the Turkish auto carriers is restricted;

(7) it is prohibited (restricted) to engage employees from Republic of Turkey to render services or to work in the territory of the Russian Federation start from 1 January 2016 save for exceptions subject to specification by the Government. The respective Government Decree expected to be adopted before 10 December 2015;

(8) Federal Service for Supervision over Protection for Consumer Rights and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor) is obliged to ensure the control over compliance by travel operators and travel agents with the requirement of refraining from the sale to nationals of the Russian Federation of travel packages including visits to the territory of the Turkish Republic.

We keep monitoring any further developments in relation to the restrictions in the Russian-Turkish relations and will keep you informed as they appear.

Please refer back to us should you have any queries, you can find all our contact details below.


Best Regards,


Uğur Serkan Boyacıoğlu (LLM)


World Trade Center Moscow

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KrasnopresnenskayaEmbankment, 12

Moscow, 123610, Russian Federation

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