KYC Global Protection by ICG

Whatever your requirements, the KYC solutions we offer allow you to effectively screen both companies and private individuals against a range of international databases which ensures you maintain a compliant approach in line with global legislation. Our KYC solutions vary depending on the requirements of each customer and offer simple screening options or more comprehensive investigations, in order to highlight information concerning your business cooperations. 

ICG offers in partnership with LNRS  the most comprehensive database of profiles of individuals and organizations that pose a potential risk to the financial system. Its solutions provide a means to stay in compliance with mounting regulatory requirements while protecting your organization’s reputation. 

They provide the most comprehensive client and vendor screening tools available for “Know Your Customer” (KYC) due diligence and risk assessment. 

Their in-depth profiles with portrait photographs along with other unique identifying details, such as date of birth, place of birth, and multiple address information allow you to minimize false positives and make sure that the entities you are searching for are the ones that you have found in their system.

These are:

  • Global Adverse Media: an extensive proprietary database of entities that have been linked to illicit activities by news sources
  • Global Enforcement: Comprised of information received from regulatory and governmental authorities
  • Global PEP: Includes profiles of Politically Exposed Persons, as well as those of their family members and close associates
  • Global Sanction: Aggregates information from the most important sanction lists around the world and groups them into one category.

Please contact us for more info and a demonstration!
