Know who you’re Hiring! Global Coverage by ICG!

Our World is becoming global! Cross Border Hiring is happening every minute! More and more red flags are appearing in fake resumes.

ICG’s Employment Verification service is acting as you’re HR outsource department  in assessing the resumes so your HR department can focus on other important issues.  By outsourcing HR activities and functions, companies can realize substantial cost savings. According to a research, 62% of executives whose companies have outsourced HR services stated that the cost savings that were achieved through outsourcing either met or exceeded their expectations.

One of the major advantages of outsourcing HR activities is that it allows small and rapidly growing businesses with limited resources to achieve the same level of efficiency and service consistency in their HR functions as larger companies, without having to invest in large amounts of capital.

The Employment Verification encompasses a number of investigations to retrieve information concerning an individual’s professional history. The Screening offers a number of checks including; Employment Screening where we seek to confirm the employment history of a specified individual, CV Verification which aims to confirm the authenticity of CV information and Professional Certificates Verification which aims to validate information concerning professional accreditation.

Don’t wait until you’re company becomes the next victim! Prevention is the best medicine!

Please feel free to contact me for more information!

Employement Verification
