Uruguay – A country to invest, work and live

Macroeconomic strength, attractive regimes for investors, legal security and modern infrastructure are some of the reasons why Uruguay is rated as an excellent destination for investments. Main reasons for choosing Uruguay as an investment destination: Political, legal and social stability. Macroeconomic soundness. Favorable business climate and tax incentives for the investor. Consolidated democratic system, maintaining […]

Carlos PicosPartner, Carlos Picos Consultora

Companies in Uruguay

At Carlos Picos Consultora we are specialists in the creation and administration of Uruguayan Companies. The Societies Uruguayas can be acquired by both residents and non – residents in Uruguay, generating significant benefits to the latter since Uruguay applies the principle of territoriality of the source, so that the activity generated abroad and the profits obtained are not […]

Juan Pablo PastoriniAccountant, Carlos Picos Consultora

Professional counseling for your business between China and Uruguay

At Carlos Picos & Associates we are dedicated to legal, tax and accounting advice. As a firm, we have over 30 years of experience in Uruguay, as well as a strong presence in Argentina since 2005, having acquired vast experience in the establishment of businesses in all of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). We […]

Carlos PicosPartner, Carlos Picos Consultora

Pereda Rossini & Asociados joins IR as the exclusive Commercial Law Member in Uruguay

Pereda Rossini & Asociados joins IR as the exclusive Commercial Law Member in Uruguay. IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Rosina Corvetto of Pereda Rossini & Asociados. Rosina has joined IR as our exclusive Commercial Law Member in Uruguay. “We are a Law Firm which provides Legal and Notary Consulting Services, […]

New law on professional fees in the City of Buenos Aires

On November 27, 2014 Law No. 5,134, which regulates lawyers’ and solicitors’ fees who work in the City of Buenos Aires (hereafter the “Law”), was published in the Official Gazette. The Law, which was promoted by Jorge Rizzo and Daniel Lipovetsky from the City of Buenos Aires’s Bar Association (“CBABA”), was approved in a special […]

Javier CanosaPartner, Canosa Abogados

Argentine Regulation of Renewable Sources

With a collapsed energy market in Argentina and a change of the current administration in 2015, it is clear that Argentina will have to develop and invest in the energy sector, and especially in the renewable energies sector. The purpose of this note is to briefly develop some of the main traits of the renewable energy legislation in – and theprospects for – Argentina. National System for Wind […]

Javier CanosaPartner, Canosa Abogados