Scotland, Brexit and the Sewel Convention

Mark McKeown Legislative Consent Motions, also known as “Sewel Motions”, are motions passed by the devolved legislatures (the Scottish Parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Welsh Assembly) which permit the UK Parliament to legislate on a matter over which that devolved legislature normally has legislative authority. Legislative Consent Motions were created when the UK […]

Scotland, Brexit and the Sewel Convention

Mark McKeown Legislative Consent Motions, also known as “Sewel Motions”, are motions passed by the devolved legislatures (the Scottish Parliament, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Welsh Assembly) which permit the UK Parliament to legislate on a matter over which that devolved legislature normally has legislative authority. Legislative Consent Motions were created when the UK […]

Convictions for a Company’s and it’s Director’s Aggressive Sales Tactics

06/12/2016 Companies and their directors are reminded of the need to exercise caution in respect of their sales tactics following recent convictions for aggressive sales practices.  A company, and one of its directors, have been successfully prosecuted for breaches of reg.7(1) Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR).1 An elderly and vulnerable customer put […]

CMA Warning on Contract Terms and Conditions

05/12/2016 The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has warned that businesses risk breaching consumer laws on unfair terms by leaving too long a time between contract reviews.  The CMA has just published its results following research into unfair contract terms, which looked at businesses’ behaviours regarding unfair contract terms with consumers. Unfair contract terms are […]

Alex CanhamPartner, Herrington Carmichael LLP

Heads of Terms: issues to include

Buyer and sellers of a business often agree key terms before involving solicitors.  However, ensure you address the following issues. Address these issues at the “Heads of Terms” stage, and your deal will more quickly close, saving professional fees. Clients ask us about the non-binding nature of the Heads of Terms, i.e.  If they are […]


Do you know you can travel to Nigeria without going through the hassle of obtaining a visa from the Nigerian Embassy at your home or country of residence?   In furtherance to the Government’s initiative to streamline the ease of doing business in Nigeria and to guarantee easy entry to genuine business visitors into Nigeria, […]

Bisi AdeyemiManaging Director, DCSL Corporate Services Limited

For overseas companies setting up in the UK – is this the best time to benefit from Brexit?

With the growth forecast recently updated for the UK the UK Economy – is this a time for overseas companies at setting up in the UK to rethink their expansion strategy? Granted, whether you voted LEAVE or REMAIN, this is good news for the UK economy. However, what does that mean for companies looking to […]

Paul BeareFounder, Paul Beare Ltd

Employee share scheme

Designing and implementing share incentives is a specialist focus for us. The area is complicated involving usually an overlap of tax, share valuation and legal knowledge coupled with empathy for those being incentivised. If you browse our case studies you may see that we are well placed to advise you. Employee share scheme for employers […]