How socially enterprising are you – do you know about Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR)? – England

There is a new type of tax relief very similar to the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) tax regime but applicable to investments into social enterprises rather than trading companies which attract EIS. The tax relief an investor into social enterprises can claim is generous and extends to both income tax and capital gains, but as […]

UK manufacturing in funding boost – England

The government has committed an extra £100 million worth of funding to a scheme designed to boost UK manufacturing, the Business Secretary Vince Cable has announced. The extra funding will go to the Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI), which aims to help UK supply chains achieve world-class standards and encourage major new suppliers to […]

Paul BeareFounder, Paul Beare Ltd

The psychological effects of medical accidents or negligence – England

As individuals experiencing some form of serious medical problem, we rely on our primary care General Practitioners and then secondary care Medical Specialists to provide us with a package of care (typically including assessment, diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary care) that is safe, appropriate, in line with best practice guidelines and which has been clearly communicated to us. We understand that sometimes, […]