A new form of business organization in Poland: “Simple Joint Stock Company” and the Covid -19 Pandemic

On 1st March 2020 a new form of company called “simple joint stock company” (SJSC) was established by the Polish legislature as a new form of business organisation. The outbreak of the Covid–19 Pandemic and the difficulties with adapting a new technology serving the registration of SJCS at the Polish Court Registry System have certainly […]

Robert LewandowskiPartner, DLP Dr Lewandowski & Partners

Robert Lewandowski of DLP Dr Lewandowski & Partners participated in The Art of Deal Making: Using External Expertise Effectively

Foreword by Andrew Chilvers For ambitious companies eager to expand into overseas markets, often theconventional route of organic business development is simply not fast enough. The other option to invest in or buy a business outright is far quicker but often fraught with unforeseen dangers. And even the biggest, most experienced players can get it […]

Robert LewandowskiPartner, DLP Dr Lewandowski & Partners

Dematerialization of shares in joint stock companies and partnerships limited by shares in Poland and the Covid–19 Pandemic

On 30th September 2019 the Polish Legislature introduced a new bill containing significant changes to the Polish Commercial Companies Code with respect to regulation of private joint stock companies and partnerships limited by shares [1] which impose upon these entities the obligation to undertake a dematerialisation of their shares, to limit the rights of shareholders […]

Robert LewandowskiPartner, DLP Dr Lewandowski & Partners

Joanna Bogdanska participates in the IR Virtual Series – International Contracts: How has the global pandemic impacted international contracts?

Foreward by Andrew Chilvers The COVID-19 pandemic is one of those once-ina-lifetime events that few people predict but which affects everyone – individuals, businesses and governments. During the past four months the pandemic has caused huge disruption to companies across the globe as many have suddenly found it impossible to fulfil their contractual obligations. From […]


Forensic And Services Investigation

New legal service at KW KRUK AND PARTNERS LAW FIRM Forensic and Investigation Services perfectly complement our practice related to detecting and preventing economic crime, recovering funds, and conducting civil court cases and arbitration. Forensic and Investigation Services include fact-finding investigations, compliance audits, risk analysis, and actions to eliminate it, building security systems and internal […]

Jaroslaw KrukManaging Partner, KW KRUK AND PARTNERS LAW FIRM LP

Tomasz Jędrejko Law Firm joins IR as the exclusive Life Sciences Member in Poland

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Tomasz Jędrejko of Tomasz Jędrejko Law Firm. Tomasz has joined IR as our exclusive Life Sciences member in Poland. For most of my professional life (14 years of lawyer work) I served companies in the pharmaceutical industry. Initially, it was just one […]

Tomasz JędrejkoFounder, Tomasz Jędrejko Law Firm

Robert Lewandowski participates in the IR Global Guide – Crisis Management: Surviving and thriving in a post-pandemic world

Foreward by Andrew Chilvers Businesses across the world are undergoing the biggest remote working experiment since Europeans first sailed from their home ports to set up trading posts in Asia 500 years ago. This time around, however, companies are moving colleagues out of their plush city centre locations to set up offices at home. What […]

Robert LewandowskiPartner, DLP Dr Lewandowski & Partners

Robert Lewandowski participates in the IR Global Guide – International Governance: The Risks You Face as a Global Director

Foreward by Andrew Chilvers As companies continue to look for opportunities in global markets, directors from diverse jurisdictions are hired to serve on the boards of foreign businesses as well as domestic ones that have operations and assets in other countries. Enterprises across the world look for directors from other jurisdictions for any number of […]

Robert LewandowskiPartner, DLP Dr Lewandowski & Partners