Oak Chartered Accountants joins IR as the exclusive Tax (Accountants) Member in Nigeria

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Joseph Sunday Kofoworola of Oak Chartered Accountants. Joseph has joined IR as our exclusive Tax (Accountants) Member in Nigeria. OAK Chartered Accountants is an accounting and consultancy firm located in Lagos, Nigeria. The Firm focuses its practice primarily to engage in providing accounting, management […]

Oak Chartered Accountants joins IR as the exclusive Tax (Accountants) Member in Nigeria

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Oluremi Francis Oyekola of Oak Chartered Accountants. Remi has joined IR as our exclusive Tax (Accountants) Member in Nigeria. OAK Chartered Accountants is an accounting and consultancy firm located in Lagos, Nigeria. The Firm focuses its practice primarily to engage in providing accounting, management and […]

Oak Chartered Accountants joins IR as the exclusive Tax (Accountants) Member in Nigeria

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Ebenezar Adewale Ajao of Oak Chartered Accountants. Ebenezar has joined IR as our exclusive Tax (Accountants) Member in Nigeria. OAK Chartered Accountants is an accounting and consultancy firm located in Lagos, Nigeria. The Firm focuses its practice primarily to engage in providing accounting, management […]

Achieving Board Effectiveness Using Board Committees

The composition, mix and structure of the Board of Directors of a Company and the effectiveness of the decision making process are key elements of sound corporate governance. A Board Committee consists of Directors mandated to carry out specified functions assigned by the Board. The establishment of Board Committees is one way of achieving greater […]

Bisi AdeyemiManaging Director, DCSL Corporate Services Limited

Adebola Sobanjo & Co. (Chartered Accountants) joins IR as the exclusive Accounting Services Member in Nigeria.

IR Global, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Dr. Adebola Olubanjo of Adebola Sobanjo & Co. (Chartered Accountants). Adebola has joined IR as our exclusive Accounting Services Member in Nigeria. Adebola Olubanjo is the Founder and Executive Chairman of Adebola Sobanjo Company, which was established in the Federal Republic […]

Afam Nwokedi IR’s IP – Patent Member within Nigeria appointed the Chairman of the Committee ON STRATEGIC ADVOCACY FOR COPYRIGHT REFORM in Nigeria.

Quite an honour to have our Principal Partner and Group Head, Mr. Afam Nwokedi appointed by the Director General of the Nigerian Copyright Commission as the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee ON STRATEGIC ADVOCACY FOR COPYRIGHT REFORM. The Committee’s terms of reference include amongst others, liaising with the office of the Attorney General of […]

Afamefuna NwokediPrincipal Counsel, Stillwaters Law