A Week in Review

IR releases While most of us have been hunkered down in lockdown for over three weeks now, IR have themselves remained busy, even during their own close down period recently while the latest business transformation updates were effected, releasing the following three documents last week: CS 20/01 “GST liability for insurance and settlement payments to […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Help is out there – Covid-19 Package A $12 billion assistance package has been announced by the Government, comprising a mixture of ‘planks’ (as our Finance Minister aptly put it) from weekly wage subsidies to various tax relief measures. Employers package – To assist those employers significantly impacted by the effects of Covid-19, a 12-week […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Feedback sought on GST proposals IR’s Policy & Strategy have released an issues paper, seeking public feedback on various GST policy issues, where it has been identified that the present legislation produces an outcome that does not reflect the underlying policy intent. The areas of focus include: Tax invoice requirements – removing some of the […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard