A Week in Review

Sea Captain’s application dismissed For those of you who provide tax residency opinions for your clients, you will no doubt have been following the Van Uden case, which similar in vein to the Diamond landmark decision, required the Court to consider the facts and make a determination with respect to the issue of whether or […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

Farming and the Law

Effluent Discharge Prosecutions under the Resource Management Act Regional Councils take unlawful effluent discharge, especially when it enters waterways, extremely seriously. Under the Resource Management Act (RMA) any discharge is unlawful if it breaches the permitted activity rule in your region. The severity of the fines imposed has recently increased significantly as the government cracks […]

Mark CopelandPartner, Mark Copeland Lawyers

A Week in Review

Watson finding of no real surprise Arguably the highlight of the week for some people I spoke to, was the release of the High Court’s finding for the Commissioner, against Eric Watson’s Cullen Group challenge to IR’s assessment of NRWT. When Mr Watson decided to relocate to the UK in 2002, I expect his esteemed […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Increase in Minimum Wages As most of you will probably know by now, at times I like to share little gems of information that are not exactly pure tax-related in themselves, although this item naturally has taxation considerations attached to it. It is hard to believe that we are already into March, meaning that not […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

First, it was remote services GST…. Introduced to capture amongst other things, the potential missed GST on the ever-increasing acquisition of offshore digital products by NZ based consumers, the remote services (the “Netflix tax”) GST regime has effectively changed the “place of supply” rules where a non-resident supplier is involved, to now deem an NZ […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Remember director’s full names While not exactly tax flavoured, I thought it was important nonetheless, to pass on a recent reminder issued by the Companies Office, that directors must provide their full names for the purpose of the Companies Register. In essence, this should be the name appearing on their driver’s license or passport. The […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Late filing penalties IR has issued a draft standard practice statement (ED0211), which provides commentary on the issue of late filing penalties, what tax returns or other filing obligations they will apply to, and what notification may be given by IR to the taxpayer, prior to a late filing penalty being imposed. The main points […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

TWG Completes Final Report The Tax Working Group has now completed its Final Report, delivering it to the Government for sign-off before its contents are released to you and I. It is expected that it will be three weeks (a scheduled media briefing on 21st Feb) before we get to see the Group’s conclusions, the […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Progress of Tax Bills It was a fairly quiet week in the world of tax, so I thought it would be an opportune time to update you all on the progress of the various taxation Bills presently making their way through the Parliamentary process: Taxation (Annual Rates for 2018–19, Modernising Tax Administration, and Remedial Matters) […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

GST Interpretation Statement released IR has recently released an interpretation statement (IS 18/07) titled “Goods and services tax – zero-rating of services related to land”. Where services are provided by a GST registered person, to a non-resident who is outside NZ at the time the services are supplied, the services can usually be zero-rated (charged […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

Summary of recent changes to New Zealand’s immigration laws

Increasing challenges for employees’ residence applications Employees’ residence applications, under the popular points-based scheme (called the Skilled Migrant Category) continue to be challenging because of increased pay rates and the difficulty in identifying the correct occupation code. Pay rate – residence applications The minimum hourly pay-rate increased twice this year. As of the 26 November the […]

Nicola TiffenPartner, Duncan Cotterill

A Week in Review

First Reading Done & Dusted Commented on in a pre-Xmas AWIR, the recently introduced Taxation (Annual Rates for 2019–20, GST Offshore Supplier Registration and Remedial Matters) Bill (114-1) has passed through its first reading and is now off to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee for their tinkling once they have considered (if that’s the […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard