A Week in Review

Employer issued Crypto-Assets Ruling finalised IR has now finalised its public binding ruling BR 19/03: Income tax – Employer issued crypto-assets provided to an employee, which provides the Commissioners’ view as to the income tax consequences of the transaction. BR 19/03 only has application where the employer is issuing crypto-assets (e.g. an ICO), the employee […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Travel to a distant workplace OS IR has released draft operational statement ED0217, which considers the taxation issues associated with employer-provided travel from an employee’s home to a distant workplace. A distant workplace is defined as one which is a workplace that is not within reasonable daily travelling distance of the employee’s home. Consequently if […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Employer-Issued Crypto-Assets A new draft public ruling (PUB00344), examines the application of the employee share scheme rules and the associated income tax treatment, where an employer has issued to an employee, in connection with that persons employment, a crypto-asset which satisfies the s.YA 1 definition of a “share”. The ruling only applies to employees and […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Non-Resident Entertainers & Sportspersons IS Further to the original consultation document PUB00317, IR has now released the finalised version of its statement clarifying the circumstances in which an exemption from schedular payment withholding tax may apply to payments being made to non-resident entertainers and sportspersons. The exemption can apply to activities or performances which: occur […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

Company Formations: A jurisdictional guide to setting up a business

QUESTION ONE – What are the most common structures used when international clients want to form a company in your jurisdiction? Any examples? Offshore clients looking to establish a New Zealand (NZ) presence, most often arrive on our doorstep with the pre-conceived notion that a standard NZ company is the best trading structure for them […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Administrative approach agreed with our Cousin’s For those of you who know the script of the Australia/NZ double tax treaty agreement (“DTA”) inside out, or at least its residency Article (Art.4), you will appreciate that a company which is considered tax resident of both jurisdictions under their respective domestic corporate tax residency rules, is then […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Taxation of digital services Close on the heels of Budget 2019, in which the Government signalled its intention to progress public consultation on a digital services tax (“DST”), the Ministers of Revenue and Finance have released a discussion document titled “Options for taxing the digital economy”. The topic itself is presently on the OECD/G20 agenda, […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard

A Week in Review

Are you paying your employees in cryptocurrency? Well while you may not be doing so, the apparent increasingly common occurrence into today’s cryptocurrency world has resulted in IR issuing an exposure draft (is it wrong to suggest there are perhaps more pressing issues they could be issuing interpretation statements on??) on how remuneration paid in […]

Richard AshbyPartner, Gilligan Sheppard