Debts Between Married Couples in Japan

One of the functions of marriage in Japan is to create an economic union between the couple.  This is expressed in the way couples’ property acquired after marriage is considered jointly owned and in the way spouses owe a duty to economically support one another. This economic union also means that married couples in Japan […]

Recourse for spouses facing domestic violence in Japan

While many people think of domestic violence as limited to physical abuse, this limited definition doesn’t take into account the full range of behaviors that can constitute domestic violence.  Domestic violence can take various forms, from physical attacks to mental abuse through such means as abusive language, threats or harassment. These forms of psychological abuse […]

Prenuptial Agreements in Japan – Ohara Law Office

Prenuptial agreements have gained popularity around the world as a way to provide clarity and protect assets by amicably agreeing upon a division of of property should the marriage end in divorce.  Many Americans are familiar with the concept of a prenuptial agreement due to its widespread use by celebrities and professional athletes but in […]

Dress Code for Family Mediation – Ohara Law Office

When going through a divorce at the family court in Japan, it is important to put effort into the obvious things, such as clearly articulating your position and telling the truth.  However, participants in divorce mediation also frequently have more basic concerns as well, such as whether there is a dress code for attending mediation […]

Remarriage After Divorce in Japan – Ohara Law Office

Divorce can be an emotionally trying process, especially when the divorce involves an extended trial or legal proceedings before it can be finalized.  Furthermore, this emotional exhaustion is often multiplied for foreigners getting divorced in Japan as they will likely have to deal with language and cultural differences as they work their way through Japanese […]

Q: Once a foreign national is detained at an immigration detention center, can he still choose to leave Japan voluntarily? Ohara Law Office

A: Choosing to leave Japan voluntarily during deportation proceedings can be very beneficial for the foreign national. Instead of being barred from reentering Japan for 5 years, the foreign national can return to Japan in only one year. While 1 year may seem like a long time, it is still greatly preferable to the alternative […]